In the business of photographing people, keeping the subject relaxed, speed of operation, top equipment and creativity is the key to natural looking pictures, profitability and an increasing clientele.
In highly charged situations where speed and convenience is of the
essence, only the Pro 4 hood groups your filters around the camera
lens ready for instant use. Ian Gee FBIPP FRPS Cr. Photog (USA), joint
founder of the Guild of Wedding Photographers UK:
"I have used many different makes of image diffuser and vignetter but
find the Pro 4 series top of the league. Designed on new principles the
diffusers will soften the image without ruining definition and maintain a
high level of contrast. The vignetters have neutral colour balance and
result in a gradual darkening of the corners, producing the desired
result without anyone being aware of the technique!
Using the two together in a Pro 4 hood is an incredibly easy and
inexpensive way of enhancing portrait and wedding photographs"