Mark Edwards
Prion Books
UK£9.99 softback
ISBN 1-85375-152-9
Just one of a thousand 'how to' books of similar design and title intended for the beginner. This particular one is about as informative and comprehensive as they come, taking the reader from the basics to more advanced ideas. Well illustrated.
Beth Galton and Carol McD. Wallace
UK£12.99, US$17.95, Can$ 22.95 paperback
ISBN 0-8212-1949-9
This manual is designed for the parent who has bought a camera to record the progress of their child but has had little or no photographic experience. The book is packed with novel information and ideas on child photography.
Susan McCartney
Allworth Press
UK£12.99, US$18.95 softback
ISBN 1-880559-12-9
Although sparsely illustrated, Nature and Wildlife Photography provides an excellent insight into the techniques and philosophy of natural history work. Included are tips from established wildlife photographers and information on equipment including how to make/modify your own.
John Hedgecoe
Dorling Kindersley Books
ISBN 0-7513-0110-8
Yet another comprehensive guide to photography covering the full range of subjects , equipment and techniques. Covers a lot of ground and is well illustrated but is not particularly innovative. (Andy, you didn't spot the supposed pictures taken from the set-ups shown which were clearly from an entirely different position... or the super-comfortable empty warehouse with 9ft seamless plain paper JH used to photograph a nude mother and baby with over 6,000 joules of heavy commercial flash! - Ed).