SRB Luton
Established in 1967, SRB offer a unique service in the custom manufacture
of photographic adaptors and filters. We make Ôone-offÕ specials or batch
quantities, and work from customer drawing, or our own designs. To provide
as economic serve as possible, we try to utilise standard components as
the basis of our adaptors, modifying them in our own workshop for new
applications. Where necessary, we are able to make complete units, and
have detailed data and dimensional records of the majority of camera/lens
fittings. Our service is available to individuals or business, and covers
photographic, astronomical, scientific, industrial, medical, motion
picture, television, surveillance, digital imaging, and other optical
In addition, we claim to be able to supply any optical filter in any type,
size, or fitting. Our connections with firms supplying filter materials,
and our ability to make metal mounts gives us exceptional versatility. We
are able to supply screw mount filters from 16mm diameter, plus push on,
bayonet, and rim filters.
Our ADAPTOR FACTORY leaflet details our manufacturing service, and lists
our stock photographic adaptors and accessories. Our FILTER EMPORIUM
leaflet lists our own range of filters, together with those from some of
the worldÕs leading brands.
We offer friendly, expert advice with a mail order service accepting
MasterCard and Visa.
Contact us for a quotation or SEND FOR OUR LEAFLETS AND OFFER SHEETS.
SRB Film Service
286 Leagrave Road
Bedfordshire LU3 1RB
Tel: (+44) 01582 572471
Fax: (+44) 01582 572535
E-mail: [email protected]

SRB Multi Mount Lens support system

SRB Lens Adaptor

SRB T-SET camera/instrument adaptor

SRB Square system filters

SRB Screw mount filters

Adaptor Manufacture