PHOTON World Wide Web Photo Magazine

Copyright agreements with contributors are under negotiation. Our thanks to those contributors to Photon printed edition who have allowed their text and photographs to be reproduced here.

The Publisher does think that Photon can afford to be dedicated to a few people, which you can't do with ordinary magazines, even if they deserved it all along.

Photon is an abridged and extended WWW version of the monthly special interest magazine from:
Icon Publications Limited
Maxwell Place, Maxwell Lane, Kelso, Scottish Borders TD5 7BB, UK.
Telephone (+44) 1573 226032/226271
Fax (+44) 1573 226000
Compuserve 100136,2124
e-mail [email protected]

Burglars, thieves and organized Mac crime please note: Photon is produced on an old but sturdy Mac IIfx of no value to anyone but me.

Apple, advertisers and awed readers please note: this is a lie and I now have a hugely overspecified PowerMac 8100/110 which is about as fast and reliable as the old but sturdy IIfx...

People who really want to know... Neither of the above Macs do the real work - my unreliable, bug-ridden Performa 5200 puts the HTML together. The 8100 produces the raw material and the paper edition, and the IIfx gets the piccies. And assorted Apples from 1977 do various admin tasks!